
Teen Summer Kick Off- (in-person)  06/18 at 5pm -7pm. 

Start your summer right with games, crafts, snacks, and more…

  • Food: Snacks & Refreshments. 
  • Crafts: Friendship Bracelets, T-shirt Decorating Station: bring-your-own light colored T-shirt, canvas bags, or canvas shoes to decorate, and more...
  • Games: Giant Connect 4, Giant Sorry, Corn-Hole, Jenga, Karaoke, and more..
  • Also,  Photo Booth


No Registration Required.

Programs  designed for Grades 6-12th, but pre-teens & tweens welcomed.

Event Date: 
Tuesday, June 18, 2024 - 5:00pm
Location Field: 

Meeting Room

Ridley Township Public Library & Resource Center
Library Text: 
Ridley Township Public Library & Resource Center