American Physical Society Journals

Access to these journals is provided through the APS Public Access Program and Delaware County Libraries.

APS Journals Homepage
Physical Review Letters (PRL) (brief important papers, all topics in physics)
Physical Review A (atomic, molecular, and optical physics)
Physical Review B (condensed matter and materials physics)
Physical Review C (nuclear physics)
Physical Review D (particles, fields, gravitation and cosmology)
Physical Review E (statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics): 
Physical Review X (open access articles, all topics of physics)
Physical Review X Energy (open access articles, all topics of physics)
Physical Review X Quantum (all topics of physics)
Physical Review Applied (applied physics)
Physical Review Fluids (fluid dynamics)
Physical Review Materials (multidisciplinary materials research)
Physical Review Research (all topics of physics)
Reviews of Modern Physics (in-depth articles, all topics in physics)
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams
Physical Review Physics Education Research
The APS Journal Archive (back to 1893)

Additionally, APS offers several publications and informational websites that are available free to all users, with no registration or subscription required:

Physics (highlighting significant papers from APS journals)
Physics Central (educational/informational site about physics, for students and the public)
American Physical Society homepage

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Sun Sep 1

Sun Sep 1

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